
PC "Hoyle Casino 99" Cheat -
__ Free money:
__ What you do is open one game and go to blackjack. When you are there,
minimize the game and start a new one. With this new one, you bet all
your money. Did you win? If not,
close that whole game, and pop up the old one. You'll have the same
amount of money. To win more money minamize that game and play
the new one. For this cheat to work you must have a game window minimized at all times.
__ Money Tip
__ When you enter into the casino go straight to russian roulette. When you
first start out you should have $5000. Bet all the money you have on a
number. If you win you will end up with 180,000 dollars. if you lose just
keep on reseting your character and keep on guessing that same number.
It may take a few seconds it may take a lil longer but you will eventually get
it right.
__ When you win go to the high black jack table in the middle of the
casino and bet you 180,00 dollars on your hand. If you win you will have
about 450,000 dollars.
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